NSST Winter 2024-25 

Registration Process

Step 1: Complete the Online Parents Meeting, available at the links below.

Step 2: Complete the Pre-Registration Form once you have completed the Online Parents Meeting. By completing this form, you are reserving your swimmers spot on the team.  Some things to note:

Step 3: Create a USA Swimming account and complete the USA Swimming Registration with the link provided in your registration email.

Below is information regarding each type of registration as well as the links to the Online Parents Meeting.

Returning Swimmers

Swimmers who swam during the 2023-24 winter season and/or the 2024 summer season are considered returning swimmers.

New North/Hoover/Saydel Feeder Swimmers

We are a feeder program for North/Saydel High School Swimming as well as Hoover High School Swimming. Preference is given to athletes who attend schools in these districts.

New Swimmers

Any other new swimmer who attends a DMPS or Non-DMPS School.

Registration opens Thursday, October 10

Registration opens Friday, October 11

Registration opens Saturday, October 12

Current General Registration Fees:

NHS/HHS/SHS Feeder Student

2024-25 Winter Season Fee

$175 + Current USA Swimming Membership


2024-25 Yearly Fee

$350 $330 + Current Annual USA Swimming Membership

DMPS Student

2024-25 Winter Season Fee

$185 + Current USA Swimming Membership


2024-25 Yearly Fee

$370 $350 + Current Annual USA Swimming Membership

Non-DMPS Student

2024-25 Winter Season Fee

$195 + Current USA Swimming Membership


2024-25 Yearly Fee

$390 $370 + Current Annual USA Swimming Membership

Seasonal Registration Fee

Yearly Registration Fee

USA Swimming Fee